Friday, December 13, 2013

First Class 20140111

Jan 11th, 2014 Class 1

9:30AM Instructors Arrive
9:50AM Students Arrive
10:00AM ~ 11:00AM Class
11:10AM ~ 11:10AM Break
11:10AM ~ 12:10PM Class
12:10PM ~ 12:20PM Break
12:20PM ~ 1:00PM Guest Speech
1:00PM ~ 1:10PM Students Leave and Instructors Feedback

Come from... 从……来
ne particle 呢
also, too, as well as 也
What's up? 怎么样

Orientation is coming this Saturday!

Hello Guys,

Our Orientation is happening this coming Saturday! Are you ready?

For all the volunteers, the orientation starts at 10am.
For all the students, the orientation starts at 11am.

The orientation will finish no later than 1pm.

The location of the orientation is:
BCIT Burnaby Campus SW9 Room 206